2016 North Conway Inn Calendar of Events
1st: Nordic Meisters at Great Glen Trails
1st: Tuesday Trekkers at Jackson XC
2nd: Apres in Zip’s at Cranmore Mountain
3rd: Full Moon Guided Snowshoe Tours at Jackson XC
4th: 2 for 1 Fridays at Great Glen Trails
4th: Friday Gliders and Sliders at Jackson XC
5th: Apres in Zip’s at Cranmore Mountain
5th: Meet Up Ski Tours at Jackson XC
5th: Cranapalooza with Fireworks at Cranmore Mountain
5th- 6th: 2016 New England Bill Koch League Festival at Great Glen Trails
5th- 6th: Guided Snowshoe Nature Tours at Jackson XC
6th: Mountain Dew Vertical Challenge at Cranmore Mountain
7th: 2 for 1 Mondays at Great Glen Trails
8th: Tuesday Trekkers at Jackson XC
9th: Apres in Zip’s at Cranmore Mountain
11th: 2 for 1 Fridays at Great Glen Trails
11th: Peak Freedom Days at Attitash
11th: Hannes Schneider Meister Cup at Cranmore Mountain
11th: Peak Freedom Days at Wildcat Mountain
11th: Friday Gliders and Sliders at Jackson XC
11th: Randonee Night Tour at Cranmore Mountain
12th: Apres in Zip’s at Cranmore Mountain
12th: Cranapalooza at Cranmore Mountain
12th: Guided Mountain Tour at Cranmore Mountain
12th- 13th: Guided Snowshoe Nature Tours at Jackson XC
12th: Meet Up Ski Tours at Jackson XC
13th: Ski with the GM at Cranmore Mountain
13th: Ski, Shoe & Fatbike to the Clouds at Mt. Washington Auto Road
14th: 2 for 1 Mondays at Great Glen Trails
14th: 13th Annual 100,000 Vertical Foot Challenge at Wildcat Mountain
15th: Tuesday Trekkers at Jackson XC
16th: Apres in Zip’s at Cranmore Mountain
17th: St. Patrick’s Day $17 Lift Tickets at Wildcat Mountain
17th: St. Patrick’s Day $17 Lift Tickets at Attitash
18th: 2 for 1 Fridays at Great Glen Trails
18th: 43rd Red Parka Pub Challenge Cup at Attitash
18th: Friday Gliders and Sliders at Jackson XC
18th- 20th: Snowsports Homecoming Weekend at Cranmore Mountain
19th: Apres in Zip’s at Cranmore Mountain
19th: AbilityPlus Ski-a-thon at Wildcat Mountain
19th: Cranapalooza at Cranmore Mountain
19th: U Go Girl Race Series: Race 4 at Attitash
20th: Character Breakfast at Cranmore Mountain
20th: Mascot Jam at Cranmore Mountain
20th: Youth Pay Their Age Day at Attitash
20th: Gaper Jam at Cranmore Mountain
20th: Youth Pay Their Age Day at Wildcat Mountain
21st: 2 for 1 Mondays at Great Glen Trails
23rd: Mountain Meister Awards Party with Apres at Cranmore Mountain
26th: Apres in Zip’s at Cranmore Mountain
26th: Guided Snowshoe Tour at Great Glen Trails
26th: Spring Mania- Motor Booty Affair at Attitash
26th: Spring Splash at Cranmore Mountain
26th: Easter on the Green at Settlers Green
26th: Grandstand Mogul Jam at Attitash Mountain
27th: Easter Egg Hunt, Summit Service and Easter Brunch at Cranmore Mountain
27th: Attitash Pond Skim at Attitash Mountain

2nd: 3rd Annual Cat Scratch Fever Mogul Freeride Event at Wildcat Mountain
9th: Wildcat Spring Pond Skim at Wildcat Mountain
30th: Pogo Polo Tournament at Settlers Green

8th: Mother’s Day Special at Conway Scenic Railroad
8th: Cold River Radio Show at Theatre in the Woods
12th: Salomon Spring Trail Running/Walking Series at Great Glen Trails
14th: Half Way to Bring a Friend Shopping Weekend at Settler’s Green
19th: Salomon Spring Trail Running/Walking Series at Great Glen Trails
20th- 23rd: Victoria Day Sidewalk Sale at Settler’s Green
26th: Salomon Spring Trail Running/Walking Series at Great Glen Trails
27th- 30th: Memorial Day Sidewalk Sale at Settler’s Green
28th: Alton Weagle Day at Mt. Washington Auto Road
28th: Opening Day at Storyland
28th: Opening Weekend at Santa’s Village

2nd: Salomon Spring Trail Running/Walking Series at Great Glen Trails
3rd: Bicknell’s Thrush Tours at Mt. Washington Auto Road
4th: There is a Fly in my Eye 10 Mile Trail Run and Relay at Great Glen Trails
5th: Bicknell’s Thrush Tours at Mt. Washington Auto Road
7th: Bicknell’s Thrush Tours at Mt. Washington Auto Road
9th: Salomon Spring Trail Running/Walking Series at Great Glen Trails
9th: Bicknell’s Thrush Tours at Mt. Washington Auto Road
11th: Murder Mystery Train at Conway Scenic Railroad
11th: Bicknell’s Thrush Tours at Mt. Washington Auto Road
13th: Ride to the Sky at Mt. Washington Auto Road
15th: Bicknell’s Thrush Tours at Mt. Washington Auto Road
16th: Salomon Spring Trail Running/Walking Series at Great Glen Trails
16th: Ride to the Sky at Mt. Washington Auto Road
18th: Murder Mystery Train at Conway Scenic Railroad
18th: Fairies Festival presented by the MWV Children’s Center at Cranmore Mountain
18th: Summer Solstice Sizzle at Settler’s Green
18th: Northeast Delta Dental Road Race at Mt. Washington Auto Road
18th: Minis on Top at Mt. Washington Auto Road
19th: Father’s Day Special at Conway Scenic Railroad
19th: Sunrise Drive at Mt. Washington Auto Road
23rd: Salomon Spring Trail Running/Walking Series at Great Glen Trails
26th: NH ATV Day at Mt. Washington Auto Road
30th: Salomon Spring Trail Running/Walking Series at Great Glen Trails